Unlocking Efficiency: Top MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts You Need to Know!

MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts

MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts are very useful in increasing your productivity. These shortcuts will work on windows, Linux, and even Mac, and surely save time while improving your workflow. Below, you will find tables listing every shortcut, broken down by category.

Basic MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts

These are the basic and major MS Access Shortcut keys for your work.

SaveCtrl + SCtrl + SCommand + S
UndoCtrl + ZCtrl + ZCommand + Z
RedoCtrl + YCtrl + YCommand + Shift + Z
CopyCtrl + CCtrl + CCommand + C
CutCtrl + XCtrl + XCommand + X
PasteCtrl + VCtrl + VCommand + V
Select AllCtrl + ACtrl + ACommand + A

Do not use your mouse to find. way around the ribbon.

Navigate RibbonAltAltCommand + Option + R
Open File TabAlt + FAlt + FCommand + Option + F
Switch TabsCtrl + TabCtrl + TabCommand + Option + Tab
Move to Next GroupTabTabTab
Move to Previous GroupShift + TabShift + TabShift + Tab
Activate Selected CommandEnterEnterReturn
Close RibbonCtrl + F1Ctrl + F1Command + F1
Navigate the Ribbon MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts

Ms Access Ribbon Navigation Shortcuts

Database File Operations

The most useful MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts for database file operations.

Open DatabaseCtrl + OCtrl + OCommand + O
Close DatabaseCtrl + WCtrl + WCommand + W
New DatabaseCtrl + NCtrl + NCommand + N
PrintCtrl + PCtrl + PCommand + P
Save AsF12F12Command + Shift + S
Import DataAlt + F + IAlt + F + ICommand + Option + I
Export DataAlt + F + EAlt + F + ECommand + Option + E
Ms Access Database File Operations

Ms Access Database File Shortcuts

Ways to get around the Access workspace.

Move to Next FieldTabTabTab
Move to Previous FieldShift + TabShift + TabShift + Tab
Move to Next RecordCtrl + Down ArrowCtrl + Down ArrowCommand + Down Arrow
Move to Previous RecordCtrl + Up ArrowCtrl + Up ArrowCommand + Up Arrow
FindCtrl + FCtrl + FCommand + F
ReplaceCtrl + HCtrl + HCommand + H
Go ToF5F5Command + G

MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts for working with these user interface elements.

Open MenuAltAltCommand + Option + M
Navigate Menu ItemsArrow KeysArrow KeysArrow Keys
Select Menu ItemEnterEnterReturn
Open Dialog BoxCtrl + DCtrl + DCommand + D
Close Dialog BoxEscEscEsc
Open Property SheetF4F4Command + Option + P
Navigate Property FieldsTabTabTab
Internet Explorer Security Warning

Ms Access Menu and Dialog Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts for Text Box, Combination Box, and List Box

These MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts make it easy for one to manage form controls.

Open Combo BoxF4F4Command + Option + C
Move to Next ControlTabTabTab
Move to Previous ControlShift + TabShift + TabShift + Tab
Select All TextCtrl + ACtrl + ACommand + A
Move to Next List ItemDown ArrowDown ArrowDown Arrow
Move to Previous List ItemUp ArrowUp ArrowUp Arrow
Open List BoxAlt + Down ArrowAlt + Down ArrowCommand + Option + L

Work with Objects MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts

Manipulating objects is very crucial in Access. Here are some handy MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts.

Open ObjectCtrl + OCtrl + OCommand + O
Close ObjectCtrl + WCtrl + WCommand + W
Save ObjectCtrl + SCtrl + SCommand + S
Rename ObjectF2F2Command + Option + R
Delete ObjectDeleteDeleteDelete
Copy ObjectCtrl + CCtrl + CCommand + C
Paste ObjectCtrl + VCtrl + VCommand + V

Common Shortcuts for the Design, Layout, and Datasheet Views

The following MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts are handy when working in the particular view modes.

Switch to Design ViewCtrl + EnterCtrl + EnterCommand + Enter
Switch to Layout ViewCtrl + LCtrl + LCommand + Option + L
Switch to Datasheet ViewCtrl + DCtrl + DCommand + Option + D
Move to Next FieldTabTabTab
Move to Previous FieldShift + TabShift + TabShift + Tab
Save Design ChangesCtrl + SCtrl + SCommand + S
Exit Design ViewCtrl + F4Ctrl + F4Command + W

Work in the Datasheet View MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts

Datasheet view is crucial when carrying out direct manipulation with the data in the table.

Move to Next RecordDown ArrowDown ArrowDown Arrow
Move to Previous RecordUp ArrowUp ArrowUp Arrow
Move to Next FieldTabTabTab
Move to Previous FieldShift + TabShift + TabShift + Tab
Select Entire RecordShift + SpaceShift + SpaceShift + Space
Add New RecordCtrl + +Ctrl + +Cmd + +
Delete Current RecordCtrl + –Ctrl + –Cmd + –

Work in the Design View MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts

The following MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts are useful when designing forms and reports.

Add New FieldCtrl + F6Ctrl + F6Cmd + Option + F6
Open Field PropertiesF4F4Cmd + Option + P
Move Between FieldsArrow KeysArrow KeysArrow Keys
Save DesignCtrl + SCtrl + SCmd + S
Close Design ViewCtrl + WCtrl + WCmd + W
Select FieldF2F2Cmd + E
Delete FieldDelDelDelete

Form view is essential for data entering and relevant record viewing.

Move to Next RecordDown ArrowDown ArrowDown Arrow
Move to Previous RecordUp ArrowUp ArrowUp Arrow
Move to Next FieldTabTabTab
Move to Previous FieldShift + TabShift + TabShift + Tab
Add New RecordCtrl + +Ctrl + +Cmd + +
Delete Current RecordCtrl + –Ctrl + –Cmd + –
Print FormCtrl + PCtrl + PCmd + P

Print preview will show how the report or Form will look once printed.

Zoom InCtrl + Shift + >Ctrl + Shift + >Cmd + Shift + >
Zoom OutCtrl + Shift + <Ctrl + Shift + <Cmd + Shift + <
Move Between PagesArrow KeysArrow KeysArrow Keys
Close PreviewEscEscEsc
Print DocumentCtrl + PCtrl + PCmd + P
Show GridlinesAlt + GAlt + GCtrl + Option + G
Change Page LayoutAlt + PAlt + PCtrl + Option + P

Work with Panes MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts

Panes can be used to keep different parts of your database.

Open Navigation PaneF11F11Cmd + Option + 1
Close Navigation PaneShift + F11Shift + F11Cmd + Option + 2
Open Properties PaneF4F4Cmd + Option + P
Open Field List PaneAlt + F8Alt + F8Ctrl + Option + F8
Move Between PanesF6F6Cmd + F6
Move to Next PaneTabTabTab
Move to Previous PaneShift + TabShift + TabShift + Tab
Work with Panes MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts

Ms Access Pane Navigation Shortcuts Table

Select Text or Data MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts

Text selection is highlighted quickly so that it can be edited in some way or formatted.

Select AllCtrl + ACtrl + ACmd + A
Select TextShift + Arrow KeysShift + Arrow KeysShift + Arrow Keys
Extend SelectionCtrl + Shift + ArrowCtrl + Shift + ArrowCmd + Shift + Arrow
Select LineShift + EndShift + EndShift + Cmd + Right
Select to Beginning of LineShift + HomeShift + HomeShift + Cmd + Left
Select Entire FieldCtrl + Shift + SpaceCtrl + Shift + SpaceCmd + Shift + Space

Edit Text or Data MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts

Editing data efficiently can save lots of time.

CutCtrl + XCtrl + XCmd + X
CopyCtrl + CCtrl + CCmd + C
PasteCtrl + VCtrl + VCmd + V
UndoCtrl + ZCtrl + ZCmd + Z
RedoCtrl + YCtrl + YCmd + Shift + Z
FindCtrl + FCtrl + FCmd + F
ReplaceCtrl + HCtrl + HCmd + H

Tables are the skeleton of any database, and moving around them seamlessly is essential.

Move to Next CellTabTabTab
Move to Previous CellShift + TabShift + TabShift + Tab
Move to Next RowDown ArrowDown ArrowDown Arrow
Move to Previous RowUp ArrowUp ArrowUp Arrow
Select Entire RowShift + SpaceShift + SpaceShift + Space
Select Entire ColumnCtrl + SpaceCtrl + SpaceCmd + Space
Move to First CellCtrl + HomeCtrl + HomeCmd + Home
Navigate in Tables and Cells MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts

Ms Access Table Navigation Shortcuts Table

Get Help with Access MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts

Knowing how to get help quickly while stranded can save your life.

Open HelpF1F1Cmd + ?
Open SearchCtrl + FCtrl + FCmd + F
Get Online HelpF3F3Cmd + Shift + ?
Open Help PaneF2F2Cmd + Option + ?
Navigate Help TopicsArrow KeysArrow KeysArrow Keys
Close HelpEscEscEsc
Print HelpCtrl + PCtrl + PCmd + P

Miscellaneous MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts

Following are a few more MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts that don’t fit neatly into the above categories but are still pretty useful

Open SettingsAlt + FAlt + FCmd + ,
RefreshF5F5Cmd + R
Open Task ManagerCtrl + Shift + EscCtrl + Shift + EscCmd + Option + Esc
Toggle Full ScreenF11F11Cmd + Control + F
Open Run DialogWindows + RAlt + F2Cmd + Space
Minimize All WindowsWindows + DCtrl + Alt + DCmd + Option + M
Lock ScreenWindows + LCtrl + Alt + LCmd + Control + Q
MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts


After learning all these Ms Access shortcut keys, you can get the ultimate boost in productivity and efficiency that you ever wanted to work on because be it databases, be it windows, Linux, or even a Mac—easy navigation, editing, and data management become some of the features these shortcut keys will offer to you.

Frequently Asked Questions: MS Access Shortcut Keys

• What is MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts?
The Microsoft database Ms Access combines software development tools and a graphical user interface with the Microsoft Jet database.

• Can I customize the MS Access Keyboard Shortcuts?
Yes, but there are few that can be customized compared to most applications

• Is there a quick way in Microsoft Access to establish a new database?
The shortcut key used to create a new database in Ms Access is Ctrl+N for the case of Windows and Linux and Cmd+N in the case of Mac.

• Any differences related to Access shortcuts on Win vs. Mac?
Yeah though most of the sort cut is the same a few should be because of the difference of operating system.

There is no specified shortcut key to open MS Access for a shortcut. However, you easily open it using Windows + R and typing in msaccess, then Enter. That will expose what you need, and using the mouse takes more time than quickly starting to work this way rather than going up the Start menu.

• Can I use keyboard shortcuts in MS Word
Yes, MS Access supports keyboard shortcuts. Pressing the Alt key displays underlined letters and numbers in the Ribbon. One actually learns that a key tip will display at some of the later time when hovering over the bottom part, when the corresponding letter is pressed. One can also use some familiar Windows shortcuts, such as Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Z.

• How do I do this, likely applicable to customising MS Access?
This is a very fast and easily performed way to tack on append and add utility to what’s already a pretty-good set of shortcuts, even though MS Access itself does not support making many of its out-of-the-box features custom keyboard shortcuts. Instead, you would write as many VBA scripts or custom macros as necessary to complete a task, then just link those macros to buttons and other controls. that you would add to your forms or reports. In that way, you would have a set of shortcuts custom-designed for you to use in Access.

• Will my Excel-like shortcuts work in MS Access?
Most probable is that most of the Excel shortcuts work in MS Access, especially the editing of text or even navigating in the tables. Some common ones are Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Ins for copy, Ctrl + V or Shift + Ins for paste, and Ctrl + Z for undo. Indeed, all exist in MS Access as well. However the Excel shortcuts that has to do with the spreadsheet may not be entirely relevant here since MS Access was to address databases and not to tinker with the spreadsheets.

• How best can you learn the keyboard shortcuts in MS Access?
The best way to become aware of all available shortcuts in MS Access is by practice. See what you are using quite frequently, say, for instance, Ctrl + S to save or Alt + F4 to close. After identifying, working on MS Access should be open, and try to use it more and more in your work. You can also try some inbuilt help documents of MS Access, or any other online resources, to have a complete list.

• Is there any shortcut character that goes round about the tabs in MS Access?
Yes, you can comfortably transverse from one open tab to the other in MS Access via use of Ctrl+ Tab. It cycles you through all the open objects; hence, you will be able to comfortably work on various items without clicking on each tab.

• How do I close MS Access quickly without using a mouse?
You can even close MS Access without the use of your mouse. Just hit Alt + F4, and the application closes. Supposedly, in case some of the changes are not saved, MS Access will ask before it closes.

• What is the keyboard shortcut to execute a query in MS Access?
You can run a query in MS Access using F5. The current query or macro runs and produces your output without the necessity of using the Ribbon.

• Is there any shortcut in MS Access through which you can undo multiple commands?
Yes, to undo several actions press successively Ctrl + Z. For every click on Ctrl + Z, MS Access will undo what you clicked during your last action. This is very useful, especially in such instances where you wish to undo your way all through after you have made lots of changes

• How do I create a new table using a shortcut key in MS Access?
Creating a new table in Access can now be done with Ctrl + T, and it brings that perception of the Table Design View where you would start right up now, creating definitions of fields and data types for your new table. You are now able to create a new table quickly using Ctrl + T, right where you left off defining fields and data types.

Press Ctrl + (the backquote key). This toggles between these two views, making it easy to edit your table structure and then immediately view your data.

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