Master Fast Division: Unveiling the Division Shortcut Trick

Division Shortcut Trick

The Division Shortcut Trick is a fundamental operation in mathematics, but it can often be time-consuming, especially when dealing with large numbers. However, there exists a clever shortcut trick that allows for lightning-fast division, saving you valuable time and effort. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of fast division shortcut tricks, empowering you to tackle division problems swiftly and efficiently.

The Division Shortcut Trick

The fast division trick revolves around recognizing patterns and simplifying calculations. Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Identify Divisibility Rules
Before diving into the division problem, familiarize yourself with common divisibility rules. Knowing these rules will help you quickly determine if a number is divisible by another without performing extensive calculations.

Step 2: Break Down the Dividend and Divisor
Break down both the dividend (the number being divided) and the divisor (the number you’re dividing by) into their prime factors. This step simplifies the division process by reducing large numbers into their basic building blocks.

Step 3: Cancel Common Factors
Identify common factors between the dividend and divisor and cancel them out. This simplification step reduces the numbers involved in the division, making the calculation much easier to handle.

Step 4: Multiply Remaining Factors
After cancelling out common factors, multiply the remaining factors of the dividend to obtain the quotient.

The Division Shortcut Trick

The Division Shortcut Trick
Let’s illustrate the fast division trick with an example:

Problem: Divide 144 by 12.

Step 1: Identify Divisibility Rules
Both 144 and 12 are divisible by 2.

Step 2: Break Down the Dividend and Divisor

144 = 2^4 × 3^2
12 = 2^2 × 3^1
Step 3: Cancel Common Factors
Cancel out the common factors: 2^2 and 3^1.

Step 4: Multiply Remaining Factors
The remaining factors of the dividend after cancelation are 2^2 and 3^1. Multiply them together: 2^2 × 3^1 = 4 × 3 = 12.


By mastering the fast division trick, you can divide numbers with ease and efficiency, even when faced with complex calculations. This shortcut method leverages divisibility rules and prime factorization to streamline the division process, allowing you to arrive at the quotient quickly and accurately. Practice this technique, and you’ll become proficient at performing fast divisions, saving time and boosting your math skills.

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