Master Microsoft PowerPoint Essential Keyboard Shortcuts : You Need to Know

Microsoft PowerPoint Essential Keyboard Shortcuts

Microsoft PowerPoint essential keyboard shortcuts to streamline your workflow and boost productivity. In this video, we’ll cover the top keyboard shortcuts every PowerPoint user should know, from basic commands to advanced functions. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, these tips will help you navigate PowerPoint more efficiently and create stunning presentations with ease. Stay tuned to unlock the full potential of Microsoft PowerPoint and become a presentation expert. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more PowerPoint tips and tricks!

Frequently Used Shortcuts

Here’s a list of some of the most frequently used keyboard shortcuts in PowerPoint:

To Do ThisPress
Make selected text boldCtrl+B
Change the font size for selected textAlt+H, F, then S
Modify the slide’s zoomAlt+W, Q
Cut selected text, object, or slideCtrl+X
Copy selected text, object, or slideCtrl+C
Paste cut or copied text, object, or slideCtrl+V
Undo the last actionCtrl+Z
Save the presentationCtrl+S
Insert a pictureAlt+N, P
Insert a shapeAlt+H, S, then H
Select a themeAlt+G, H
Select a slide layoutAlt+H, L
Go to the next slidePage Down
Go to the previous slidePage Up
Go to the Home tabAlt+H
Move to the Insert tabAlt+N
Start the slide showAlt+S, B
End the slide showEsc
Close PowerPointAlt+F, X

The tab-organized strip at the top of PowerPoint is called the ribbon. You can navigate the ribbon using just your keyboard:

  • Access Keys: Press Alt to see Key Tips, then use the corresponding keys to select commands.
  • Move Between Tabs: Press Alt, then use the Right Arrow or Left Arrow keys.

Access Key Shortcuts

To Do ThisPress
Open the File pageAlt+F
Open the Home tabAlt+H
Open the Insert tabAlt+N
Open the Design tabAlt+G
Open the Transitions tabAlt+T
Open the Animations tabAlt+A
Open the Slide Show tabAlt+S
Open the Review tabAlt+R
Open the View tabAlt+W
Open the Tell Me boxAlt+Q, then enter term

Work in Ribbon Tabs with the Keyboard

  • Select a Tab: Press Alt, then a keyboard shortcut for the tab.
  • Move Between Commands: Press Tab or Shift+Tab to move forward or backward through commands.
  • Activate Commands:
  • Button: Press Spacebar or Enter.
  • Split Button: Press Alt+Down Arrow, then Tab through options and press Spacebar or Enter to select.
  • List: Press Down Arrow to open, arrow keys to move, Enter to select.
  • Gallery: Press Spacebar or Enter, then Tab through items.

Change Focus Using the Keyboard

To Do ThisPress
Select the active tab of the ribbonAlt or F10
Move focus to commands on the ribbonTab or Shift+Tab
Move between items on the ribbonArrow keys
Expand or collapse the ribbonCtrl+F1
Display the context menuShift+F10
Move focus to a different paneF6
Move to the next or previous commandTab or Shift+Tab
Activate the selected commandSpacebar or Enter
Open the selected listDown Arrow key
Finish modifying a value and return to the documentEnter

Use Access Keys with Key Tips

  • Show Key Tips: Press Alt.
  • Select a Command: Press the letter shown in the Key Tip.

Move Between Panes

To Do ThisPress
Rotate the panes in Normal view clockwiseF6
Move counterclockwise among panes in Normal viewShift+F6
Switch between Thumbnail and Outline View paneCtrl+Shift+Tab

Work in an Outline

To Do ThisPress
Promote a paragraphAlt+Shift+Left Arrow
Demote a paragraphAlt+Shift+Right Arrow
Move selected paragraphs upAlt+Shift+Up Arrow
Move selected paragraphs downAlt+Shift+Down Arrow
Show heading level 1Alt+Shift+1
Expand text below a headingAlt+Shift+Plus Sign (+)
Collapse text below a headingAlt+Shift+Minus Sign (-)

Work with Shapes, Pictures, Objects, and WordArt

Insert a Shape:

  • Press Alt+N, S, then H.
  • Use Arrow keys to select the shape category.
  • Press Ctrl+Enter to insert the shape.

Insert a Text Box:

  • Press Alt+N, X.
  • Press Ctrl+Enter to insert the text box.

Insert an Object:

  • Press Alt+N, J.
  • Move to Object type list with Tab.
  • Press Ctrl+Enter to insert the object.

Insert WordArt:

  • Press Alt+N, W.
  • Use Arrow keys to select the style, then press Enter.
  • Type your text.

Select a Shape:

Press Tab to cycle forward (or Shift+Tab to cycle backward) until sizing handles appear.

Group or Ungroup Shapes, Pictures, and WordArt

To Do ThisPress
Group shapes, pictures, or WordArtCtrl+G
Ungroup shapes, pictures, or WordArtCtrl+Shift+G

Copy the Attributes of a Shape

The shape with the properties you wish to duplicate should be selected

  1. The shape with the properties you wish to duplicate should be selected.
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+C to copy attributes.
  3. Select the object to paste attributes to with Tab or Shift+Tab.
  4. Press Ctrl+Shift+V to paste attributes.

Select and Edit Text and Objects

To Do ThisPress
Select one character to the rightShift+Right Arrow
Select one character to the leftShift+Left Arrow
Select to the end of a wordCtrl+Shift+Right Arrow
Select to the beginning of a wordCtrl+Shift+Left Arrow
Select one line upShift+Up Arrow
Select one line downShift+Down Arrow
Select an objectESC
Select another objectTab or Shift+Tab
Send object back one positionCtrl+[
Send object forward one positionCtrl+]
Send object to backCtrl+Shift+[
Send object to frontCtrl+Shift+]
Select text within an objectEnter
Select all objects (on the Slides tab)Ctrl+A
Play or pause mediaCtrl+SPACE
Select all slides (in Slide Sorter view)Ctrl+A
Select all text (on the Outline tab)Ctrl+A

Delete and Copy Text and Objects

To Do ThisPress
Delete one character to the leftBackspace
Delete one word to the leftCtrl+Backspace
Delete one character to the rightDelete
Delete one word to the rightCtrl+Delete
Cut selected object or textCtrl+X
Copy selected object or textCtrl+C
Copy and paste a text or objectCtrl+V
Undo the last actionCtrl+Z
Redo the last actionCtrl+Y
Copy formatting onlyCtrl+Shift+C
Paste formatting onlyCtrl+Shift+V
Copy animation painterAlt+Shift+C
Paste animation painterAlt+Shift+V
Open Paste Special dialog boxCtrl+Alt+V

Move Around in Text

To Do ThisPress
Move one character to the leftLeft Arrow
Move one character to the rightRight Arrow
Move one line upUp Arrow
Move one line downDown Arrow
Move one word to the leftCtrl+Left Arrow
Move one word to the rightCtrl+Right Arrow
Go to a line’s endEnd
Move to the beginning of a lineHome
Move up one paragraphCtrl+Up Arrow
Move down one paragraphCtrl+Down Arrow
Move to the end of a text boxCtrl+End
Move to the beginning of a text boxCtrl+Home
Proceed to the following body text or title placeholderCtrl+Enter
Repeat the last Find actionShift+F4

Move Around in and Work in Tables

To Do ThisPress
Move to the next cellTab
Move to the preceding cellShift+Tab
Move to the next rowDown Arrow
Move to the preceding rowUp Arrow
Insert a tab in a cellCtrl+Tab
Start a new paragraphEnter
Add a new row at the bottom of the tableTab in the bottom right cell

Edit a Linked or Embedded Object

  1. Press Tab or Shift+Tab to select the object.
  2. Press Shift+F10 to open the shortcut menu.
  3. Press Down Arrow to select Worksheet Object.
  4. Press Right Arrow, then Enter to select Edit.

Format Text

Change or Resize a Font:

  • Open Font dialog box: Ctrl+Shift+F
  • Increase font size: Ctrl+Shift+Right Angle bracket (>)
  • Decrease font size: Ctrl+Shift+Left Angle bracket (<)

Apply Character Formatting:

  • Open Font dialog box: Ctrl+T
  • Change between sentence case, lowercase, or uppercase: Shift+F3
  • Apply bold formatting: Ctrl+B
  • Apply underline: Ctrl+U
  • Apply italic formatting: Ctrl+I
  • Apply subscript formatting: Ctrl+Equal sign (=)
  • Apply superscript formatting: Ctrl+Shift+Plus sign (+)
  • Remove manual character formatting: Ctrl+Spacebar
  • Insert a hyperlink: Ctrl+K

Copy Text Formatting:

  • Copy formats: Ctrl+Shift+C
  • Paste formats: Ctrl+Shift+V

Align Paragraphs:

  • Center: Ctrl+E
  • Justify: Ctrl+J
  • Left align: Ctrl+L
  • Right align: Ctrl+R

Insert and Reply to Comments

  • Insert a New Comment: Ctrl+N
  • Reply to a Selected Comment: Ctrl+R

Use Keyboard Shortcuts to Deliver Your Presentation

  • Enter Slide Show Mode: Alt+S, B
  • Control Your Slide Show:
  • Next animation or slide: N, Enter, Page Down, Right Arrow, Down Arrow, or Spacebar
  • Previous animation or slide: P, Page Up, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Backspace
  • Go to slide number: (number)+Enter
  • Display a blank black slide: B or Period (.)
  • Display a blank white slide: W or Comma (,)
  • Stop or restart automatic presentation: S
  • End presentation: Esc
  • Erase on-screen annotations: E
  • Go to the next slide if hidden: H
  • Set new timings while rehearsing: T
  • Re-record slide narration and timing: R
  • Return to the first slide: Press and hold Left Mouse button
  • Change pointer to a pen: Ctrl+P
  • Change pointer to an arrow: Ctrl+A
  • Change pointer to an eraser: Ctrl+E
  • Show or hide ink markup: Ctrl+M
  • Hide pointer and navigation button immediately: Ctrl+H
  • Hide pointer and navigation button in 15 seconds: Ctrl+U
  • View All Slides dialog box: Ctrl+S
  • View the computer task bar: Ctrl+T
  • Display shortcut menu: Shift+F10
  • Go to the first or next hyperlink: Tab
  • Go to the last or previous hyperlink: Shift+Tab
  • Follow a selected hyperlink: Enter

Control Video and Other Media During a Presentation

Media Shortcuts:

  • Stop media playback: Alt+Q
  • Play or pause media: Ctrl+Space
  • Toggle between play and pause: Alt+P
  • Go to next bookmark: Alt+End
  • Go to previous bookmark: Alt+Home
  • Increase sound volume: Alt+Up
  • Decrease sound volume: Alt+Down
  • Mute sound: Alt+U
  • Seek forward three seconds: Alt+Shift+Page Down
  • Seek backward three seconds: Alt+Shift+Page Up
  • Seek forward 0.25 seconds, then pause: Alt+Shift+Right Arrow
  • Seek backward 0.25 seconds, then pause: Alt+Shift+Left Arrow
  • Show/Hide audio and subtitles menu: Alt+J

Use these shortcuts to navigate and operate PowerPoint efficiently, enhancing your productivity and making your presentation process smoother.

Conclusion : Microsoft PowerPoint Essential Keyboard Shortcuts

Mastering Microsoft PowerPoint involves more than just understanding its basic features; proficiency in keyboard shortcuts can significantly enhance your efficiency and effectiveness. This comprehensive guide has covered essential shortcuts across various aspects of PowerPoint use, from navigating the Ribbon and working with text and objects to delivering presentations and controlling media.

By incorporating these shortcuts into your workflow, you can streamline your tasks and focus more on creating compelling presentations. Whether you are inserting shapes, formatting text, managing slides, or delivering your presentation, these shortcuts are designed to save you time and effort.

Continued practice and familiarity with these keyboard shortcuts will transform how you use PowerPoint, making your presentation creation process faster and more intuitive. As you integrate these shortcuts into your daily routine, you’ll find yourself working more seamlessly, allowing your creativity and message to shine through your presentations.

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